NHS Deciding Right app

NHS Deciding Right app is part of the Deciding right programme in the north east, Cumbria and London (see http://www.nescn.nhs.uk/deciding-right). The app is a guide to support any health or social care professional through the process of making care decisions in advance for people who will or may lose capacity in the future, who have already lost capacity for those decisions or never had capacity. This app does not provide answers, but will ensure that the way an individual's care decisions are made comply with the Mental Capacity Act.


The app covers decision making in individuals with and without capacity, including children and young people. It includes a checklist for assessing the validity and applicability of a care decision made in advance. The app has now been extensively revised and updated throughout and includes new sections on Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and withdrawing life sustaining devices.


The app is free to all and available on