Annual Review of Competence Progression Training Toolkit

The eARCP resource prepares users for the Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP).

The ARCP is a postgraduate deanery process which provides overall assessment of a trainee's progress throughout their training, including general practice. It is also one of the key elements the GMC uses to monitor the quality of training being delivered. Information from ARCPs is used as part of the annual deanery report to the GMC, informs visits to deaneries (VTDs) and is an essential part of all trainees' lives working towards a CCT (certificate of completion of training).

The process scrutinises each trainee's suitability to progress to the next stage of, or to complete, a training programme. The ARCP is usually held annually, but some specialties have more frequent reviews in the early years of training.

The ARCP panel bases its recommendations on evidence in the trainee's portfolio of experience and competencies gained, together with written reports from supervisors.

The course was developed as a collaboration between the West Midlands and London Deaneries and is compulsory for all panel members from December 2011, but should be of use to others involved in the process, including trainees, supervisors and lay representatives. It covers all of the common areas but additional specialty-specific knowledge will be required by some panel members.

The course consists of four modules:

  • What is e-ARCP for?
  • Preparation and inputs
  • Making decisions
  • Outcomes and outputs