Building community capacity

Health visitors are able to build community capacity. Building from the principles which we have espoused for more than three decades, to search out health needs, to stimulate awareness of health needs among individuals, families and communities, to influence policies affecting health and wellbeing and to facilitate people in engaging with health-enhancing activities (CETHV 1977). Health visitors are seen as bridging and guiding the complex networks of people required to support children, families and communities to achieve the best possible health outcomes. However, whilst the existing workforce has the potential to undertake this role, many people have been overwhelmed by current workloads, and few have been able to sustain the necessary skills or up to date knowledge. This package is designed to facilitate existing health visitors to gain confidence and extend or renew their skills in building community capacity. The teaching and learning model adopted draws on principles from the work of Boud and colleagues (2006), in particular the notion of productive reflection which harnesses reflection on work experience and work practice to enhance engagement and outputs as well as learning. 

Course provider: e-Learning for Healthcare