
Dementia is becoming increasingly prevalent, both due to our ageing population and improved recognition of the condition.  However, the nature of dementia means that managing the condition can pose unique and sometimes difficult issues, both in the community and in hospital.  The Dementia e-learning sessions have been designed to familiarise health and social care staff with recognising, understanding, assessing and managing dementia, and with providing high-quality dementia care. 

These sessions have been written by subject matter experts in both psychiatry and medicine for the elderly. They support the implementation of both the National Dementia Strategy and the Prime Minister's Challenge on Dementia and also offer further information in line with relevant legislation, such as the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The learning materials reinforce the importance of dementia being every nurse's business.

The e-learning sessions are intended for use by all health and social care staff.  Three new introductory sessions were added in May 2013, following the Prime Minister's announcement in January 2013 of the roll-out of a dementia package that would see 100,000 nurses and health care assistants receiving dementia training via e-learning by 2014. These introductory sessions add content that will build on the general principles within the Making a difference to Dementia Care Nursing Vision and Strategy, which is available here.

Course provider: e-Learning for Healthcare