Adolescent health

The Adolescent Health e-learning project aims to ensure that all health professionals have essential youth communication skills and understand young people's rights to consent and confidentiality.

The project is delivered by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) and e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) and is committed to improving the health outcomes and experiences of all young people who come into the care of healthcare professionals.

A range of modules has been divided into topics and sessions, pitched at differing levels to suit the educational needs of a variety of healthcare professionals working with adolescents. The materials have been written by subject specialists and experts in their particular field and have been subjected to extensive peer review.

Many sessions incorporate video clips and case studies to help trainees understand the views of both young people and professionals on a host of subjects, from confidentiality and self-harm to puberty and acne.

The sessions vary in length, with many around 20 minutes, to fit in with busy work-study lives.

Course provider: e-Learning for Healthcare

Estimated time to complete: Varying, average is 20 minutes