NHS Health Research Authority releases 6 e-learning modules

NHS Health Research Authority (HRA) has developed six new eLearning modules as an aid for researchers, R&D staff, study sponsors, research ethics committee members and the wider research community..

The modules are relevant to all four nations of the UK and cover key areas of research regulation, helping to protect and promote the interests of patients and the public in health and care research.

The first three topics to be released are: medical devicesresearch involving participants lacking mental capacity, and use of the HRA Schedule of Events.  Three further modules concerning research involving human tissue, research involving exposure to ionising radiation and confidentiality and information governance considerations in research, are to be released imminently.

Contact our training team via hra.training@nhs.net for more information. The eLearning modules can be accessed at: hra.nhs.uk/hra-training/elearning.