Making Every Contact Count: face to face training

Click on the links in the right hand panel to download the resources for face-to-face training. The slides have completed notes pages to give the person delivering the session guidance on the content of each slide and how they might want to use or tailor the slides for their audience.

Pre and post session surveys are provided within the slides to assess where the audience is at in their understanding and confidence of MECC.  These are the staff readiness assessment questions identified within the NHS Midlands and East Metrics guidance.

Making Every Contact Count Orientation: slides designed to give staff an introduction to MECC and start thinking about their role in MECC prior to the skills session.  It will also give you a good understanding of how best to pitch the MECC skills session as you’ll have a better understanding of where your audience is at with MECC and their learning needs

Making Every Contact Count Skills Workshop: slides designed to be delivered with a team or department who have had the orientation session (or a version of it to introduce MECC) and are looking to implement MECC 

Making Every Contact Count Trainer Guidance and Additional Activities:  workbook, which aims to provide trainers with a set of training resources and optional activities for use in delivering MECC training programmes locally